Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sixth Day service launched

Some twenty people, a bunch of dogs and one parakeet nestled into The Back Room of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Whittier on Sunday, October 3. They came for the first Sixth Day worship service for people with pets, which will be held at 5 p.m. each Sunday at 10925 Valley Home Ave., Whittier (on the Los Angeles-Orange county line.) A 30-minute service in the Episcopal tradition included the reading and discussion of Holy Scripture, some prayer, and Holy Communion. Attendees lingered afterward for sandwiches and conversation.

Some dog and cat food was collected for The Sixth Day outreach ministry, designed to connect pet food and households where pets are at risk for outplacement due to the economy.

For information, e-mail support@sixthdayfan.com.


  1. Looks like a very successful launch! How exciting. God's blessings on this ministry & all the pets who will benefit.

  2. Congratulations to Billie, Rev. Mary, and all the very special people who helped launch this important ministry! We are so excited that you have started this journey! We wish you and ALL your congregants -- two and four footed -- many services filled with God's loving touch upon your hearts.
    Patty Hedges, Coordinator, Canines @ Covenant

  3. Congratulations on your first meeting and many more!!
    Stephanie, Neal and "Bryce" from Canines for Covenant (Westchester)

  4. Job well done! God will bless your new ministry as it is the right thing to do! I'm particularly impressed with the food and household goods collection component which Canines @ Covenant is considering adding to its ministry.

    Lee Gardner, Covenant Presbyterian Church

  5. Terrific ... woof woof ... keep up the good work.

    Pastor Tom Eggebeen, Covenant Presbyterian Church

  6. Blessings to you and your new ministry!

    Linda Ching-Ikiri and Tucker
    Covenant Presbyterian Church

  7. Love that you are starting a Canine group.

    Elder Raack, Covenant P.C.

  8. Congratulations! Well done!

  9. Best wishes in your new ministry! I love the gathering of food for the working poor and others who need support in order to keep their pets. A great idea!

    Blessings to you all,

    Colleen Cronin
    Director of Music
    Covenant Presbyterian Church - LA

  10. Love the concept, love that your ministry is reaching out to all (including the beasts whether walking or flying) and love the photos! Great job Rev Mary, MaryAnn and the whole congregation!

    Inspiring! Nancy Lichtle

  11. This is so wonderful! What a thrill to see another canine service begin...it is such a blessing...best wishes to all!

  12. It is so wonderful to see the concept of worshiping God with our furry family expand and grow. God's blessings and peace be with you all.
